Our Solution

As a filter OEM, we can offer you the world's most cost effective, high temperature, high 
efficiency and long life DPM exhaust filters suitable for all your machines.

Advanced Diesel Particulate Management for Safer Mining Operations

At Global Mining Supplies (GMS), we as a filter OEM understand the unique challenges posed by Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) in underground mining environments. DPM, a harmful byproduct of diesel engine exhaust, poses serious health risks to workers and can affect productivity if not managed effectively. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive solution to address this issue: our industry-leading high temperature, high efficiency, long life Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) and comprehensive support services. 

How Our Solution Works - Our Product

Our Diesel Particulate Filters are designed to trap and remove harmful particulate matter from diesel engine emissions, significantly reducing the presence of DPM in underground mine air. These high-performance filters are engineered for fit, form, function, durability, reliability, high temperature, high efficiency and long service life, making them a cost-effective choice for mining operations. If we don't have a filter to fit your machine, we will design and build it for you.   


How Our Solution Works - Our Comprehensive Support Services

•    Diesel Exhaust Emission Management Services: We offer a range of diesel exhaust emission management services tailored to the specific needs of each mine.                    These include diesel exhaust emission management strategy, training, risk assessments, maintenance improvements and cultural reform, which together will                            support you to achieve compliance with the latest Occupational Exposure Limits.

•   Expert Guidance and Continuous Support: Our team of specialists work closely with mines to interpret regulatory changes and their impact on your operation.                       We provide expert guidance on best practices for managing DPM. Our support has been instrumental in supporting mines align with evolving industry standards                     ahead of regulatory deadlines.

•   Proactive Improvement Strategies: Beyond compliance, we identify opportunities for operational improvement that maximise machine performance, enhance air                   quality and improve worker safety. Through onsite data analysis, machine audits, operator engagement and lessons learnt from across the industry, we help to                        develop customised solutions for you to optimise your DPM management strategies, reduce worker exposure risks and improve overall site performance.

•   Advanced Research and Development (R&D): Our significant investment in R&D has enabled us to develop and supply the industry’s most advanced DPM filtration               systems for all machine types. Our filters are designed to meet the highest Government standards to ensure maximum health and safety is achieve for mine                              workers.

Proven Functional Performance and Testing

Our Diesel Particulate Filters undergo extensive testing to ensure they comply with all relevant Government regulatory standards for safety and performance. Independent tests have been conducted by leading authorities such as NSW TestSafe, Monash University, Mine Safety Technology Centre, Coal Services & United States Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA). Additionally, all filters have been rigourusly field trialed at mine sites around the world in dry, low, medium and high water applications. The filters have been Independently Verified for use in underground coal mines.

Assessments for compliance and performance have been carried out by regulatory bodies such as the NSW Resources Regulator and MSHA. 

Approvals and Compliance

  • Australian Filter Approvals:

    Our filters are either Design Registered or Independently Verified in accordance with Fit, Form and Function requirements for use in Australian diesel engine systems, meeting strict regulatory requirements and Australian Standards (AS3584.2 - 2021).

  • International Filter Approvals:

    Our filters have been evaluated and listed for use by international Government authorities after proving to ensure safety, high efficiency, and durability in harsh mining environments.

"Breathe Easy With GMS Filtration"

By implementing GMS’s Diesel Particulate Filters in your operation, you’ll deliver numerous benefits:

Enhanced Worker Safety

Reduce harmful exposure to the finest particles of DPM, protecting the health of your workers.

Compliance Assurance & Custom Fit

Meet State and Federal mining safety regulations and standards with comprehensive independently tested and certified filters.
Our filters have been developed to be compatible with all underground coal mine diesel machinery to ensure fit. 

Improved Operational Efficiency

We have a range of high efficiency DPM exhaust filters with varying out of the box efficiencies and conditioning periods to meet you evolving needs. Our filters capture DPM to ensure the highest level of protection for your workers.


Enjoy the most economical cost-per-operating hour solution for Diesel Particulate Management on the market. Our long-life filters mean fewer replacements, reduced machine downtime & interaction with DPM as well as less transport to site and disposal requirements.

Long Life 

Our filters have been designed to last longer than other filters in dry, low, medium and high water carry over machines, which improves machine availability and reduces maintenance and operational costs. 

High Temperature

Industries highest temperature filters, built to withstand the heat that can be generated by underground diesel machinery.